Wednesday, September 1, 2010

OSHA News - Company Fined more than $2 Million for Lead Hazards

Shooting range cleanup company fined more than $2 million for overexposing workers to lead

OSHA fined E.N. Range in Miami, Fla., $2,135,000 after the employer failed to protect workers who clean gun ranges from serious overexposure to lead. OSHA inspectors found that E.N. Range had not provided workers proper protective equipment, changing rooms or showering facilities. Air samples taken by OSHA inspectors found that these workers were exposed to lead levels as high as 10 to 19 times the permissible exposure limit. The company also provided workers with non-FDA-approved treatments for lead exposure without required medical supervision, misleading employees--most of whom had limited knowledge of English--into believing they were receiving appropriate medical treatment. OSHA issued E.N. Range more than 50 citations for disregarding workers' health and safety, including 28 citations for multiple egregious violations that include failing to provide workers with properly fitted respirators and control measures to limit workers' exposure to lead, and failing to ensure that workers were given required medical evaluations or blood lead level tests. See the news release for more information.

Lead poisoning can cause many serious health issues including brain damage, paralysis, kidney disease, and even death. Long-term overexposure may result in severe damage to the nervous, urinary, reproductive and blood-forming systems. Visit OSHA's Lead Safety and Health Topics Page for more information.

Check out Summit's training programs on Lead Safety:
Lead Safety
Lead Safety: Uncovering the Dangers