Thursday, March 31, 2011

Decline in Workplace Violence

New Report Shows Workplace Violence Declined from 1993-2009

On March 29, the Justice Department Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) released a new publication, “Workplace Violence, 1993-2009,” that shows a decline in both workplace homicides and nonfatal, violent crimes in the workplace over the last 16 years.

Approximately 572,000 nonfatal violent crimes, including rape, robbery or assault, occurred against employees age 16 or older while they were at work or on duty in 2009 – a decline from the 2.1 million nonfatal violent crimes that occurred at the workplace in 1993. The number of homicides in the workplace decreased by 51 percent from a high of 1,068 homicides in 1993 to 521 homicides in 2009

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

100 years later


As OSHA celebrates 40 years of protecting workers, we also remember the labor pioneers, safety advocates, community leaders and ordinary workers whose vision for a stronger America laid the foundations for the laws that keep workers safe and healthy today. The 100th anniversary of the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire, which killed 146 workers in a New York City garment factory, marks a century of reforms that make up the core of OSHA's mission. Use this page to learn more about a tragic event that led to a "general awakening" that continues to drive OSHA's commitment to workers.

Read the whole story >>> The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Summit Contributions to Safety and Health.

Summit is proud to have had the opportunity to be auther for a few magazines over the year. Check out some of the articles Staff at Summit as written!

Online Versus Classroom Training: Which is best for safety training - online or classroom?
Although we wish it were an easy "yes" or "no" answer, the fact pf the matter is that one training format is not better than others. The type of training you use is going to be specific to your needs and the topics on which you are training.... To read the whole article >>> Online Versus Classroom Training

Set Your Sights on Safety - Occupational eye injuries, causes and prevention
Eye injuries are one of the most common workplace injuries, accounting for 2.5 million eye injuries annually in the United States alone. Out of this group, 50,000 people permanently lose part or all of their vision.... Keep reading >>> Set Your Sights on Safety

Respiratory Protection
"With all the new products being developed, and chemicals being mised to make those products, sometimes just one breath of a toxic fume could do some permanent damage to you, if not death." >>> Respiratory Protection

Fall Protection
Occupational falls continue to be one of the highest recordable incidents in industry. They are the third leading cause of death, following morot cehicle accidents and struck by incidents. >>> Fall Protection