Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be Fit While You Sit? Using an Exercise Ball as Your Chair.

You may have heard the idea of replacing your office chair with an exercise ball to reap a number of health benefits, as well as potentially being the talk of the water cooler.  You can find information that both supports the benefits  or calls the idea an outright crock of @#$% .

Inspired by an article, Summit’s EH&S Specialist, Stephanie Zizzo, decided to try using an exercise ball, which was soon referred to as the ‘office orb’, for a week to see what all of the fuss is about.    

Day #1
As a safety professional, ergonomics is something that I pay extra attention to while working in an office setting. It is important that while sitting in any chair to get the correct lumbar support and have to right posture to avoid long term back pain. After sitting for long periods, even in a comfortable chair, I begin to shift, toss and turn.  Sometimes I will stand-up or take a walk around the building to loosen my muscles, but this isn’t always feasible to do with the tight schedule of a work day.

I recently read an article from my Alma Madders newspaper, “Movement Science Professor Starts Fitness Orb Wave,” which discussed the idea of sitting on a fitness ball to stay fit, production and ergonomically correct while working at a desk.  So, why not give it a try, right? I call my solution... the “Office Orb”.

First I did some research on what fitness or exercise balls were available on the market.  There are many to choose from and you can find them at almost any retail outlet that sells exercise equipment and multiple online retailers as well.  Next, I looked at what size I needed.  This is very important. There are different sizes depending on your height and weight.

I found my fitness ball at Target for $20.99.  It is a blue, 75cm, stability ball made by Reebok, with a fitness DVD and pump included!   I made sure I inflated it enough so that I would sit high enough at my desk. It is necessary to make sure that you don't fix one ergonomic problem and in turn cause others.

My orb is inflated, sits high enough, and is in full working order. I can already feel some of the tension in my lower back fading away.

Day #2

Today is my first full day using the orb. I can tell that I felt more awake (maybe it’s the extra coffee I had this morning) and more productive. I didn't have that sluggish feeling that you get at work in the first couple hours. I noticed that there were so many different ways to sit on my ball, each targeting different muscles in my core.  Bonus points if I end up with 6-pack abs after this.  Toward the end of my day I did a good stretch and a slight back bend to relieve any sore muscles... (note: this is only recommended if you think you are capable).

Day #3

I am excited to come to work and keep testing out my new office seat!  I really believe that the orb is helping my posture. I found myself to be very slouchy when sitting at any desk, not just an office desk. Because I was uncomfortable it wasn't easy to keep the correct posture. The orb has allowed me to sit correctly and it is not difficult. I also am noticing that I am not craving snacks as much. I tend to get hungry when I am still. I could probably eat at my desk all day if I was sitting stagnant. When I typing on the computer, while making slight movements to making sure that I stay on the orb, I found it less likely for the thought of “where are my pretzels” to come to mind.  Yes!

Day #4

Is it possible that this office orb is making me happier?  Maybe its placebo effect, but its 50 degrees and rainy out and I’m super positive. I feel less slow and more productive. It has helped motivate me to have a healthier lifestyle. Because I took the initiative to get the ball and become more active, I decided why stop there? I am now eating a healthier lunch, trying not to go out to eat, and making sure I get in 30 minutes of exercise when I get home from work.  

I love my office orb, and I need a more endearing name for it.  I’m sort of feeling like Tom Hanks in Castaway with Wilson.

Day #5

Still going great, however, keep the office orb away from co-workers who try stupid human tricks on the orb.  If this catches on here, I will have to implement best practices and usage practices to make sure this stays safe and healthy.

Day #6

I found myself switching back and forth between my office chair and my ball. I noticed that the ball is also a great remedy if you are restless in your chair. Some people may not want to replace their chair with the ball because the chair provides a stable seat. Whenever I am restless I can switch to the ball and it wakes me up and gets me moving.

Day #7

Since I have been using the orb I keep seeing more improvements in my posture, it is easier to sit up straight and stay sitting upright. The day has been going a little quicker too because I have less focus on my body and seating arrangement and more focus on my tasks at hand.


As a safety professional office safety should be important to a company. Ergonomics is a part of office safety and can help the productiveness and wellness of the employees. The orb has helped me to remember what good ergonomics means and how something as simple as a fitness ball can change the atmosphere of a work station.

For any employees working in an office setting I would highly recommend this idea as something to try.  I would recommend mixing it up between a regular chair and the office orb.  Also, gradually increase use of the office orb over time so you can get used to it.  The office orb can provide employees a fresh way to get work done and also give them a grip on good ergonomics. It may not be a solution for everyone, but I will continue to implement the office orb on days when I’m spending a lot of time at my desk.

Zentmeyer, Anya. "Movement science professor starts fitness orb wave". Grand Valley Lanthorn. 18 November 2010.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Roundup of Articles that Point to Economic Improvement....

According to recent news, the economy may be on an upswing. Here is a round-up of recent articles that lead us to believe that the economy is improving, or businesses are learning how to adapt to the changes in the new ecomoy, such as running on less to improve profit margins.  We are seeing an increase in hiring in the greater Grand Rapids, MI area.  This is always a good sign that things are getting better.  Demand is increasing and more people are buying. 

What do you think the economy is going to do in the next 3 - 6 months and into 2010?  How badly does the Japan catastrophe affect us?  A General Motors Co. news conference at a transmission plant in Toledo, Ohio, on Tuesday wasn’t just about announcing a $204 million investment that will save 250 jobs.  GM Chairman Dan Akerson said in addition to the investment in the Toledo plant, the automaker in the coming months will invest $2 billion for upgrades at 17 factories that will create or preserve 4,000 U.S. jobs. (source)


Optimism is growing among the CFOs who believe the U.S. will see growth over the next six months. A survey of Midwestern U.S. CFOs and senior comptrollers conducted by Grant Thornton LLP, shows that 43% have a rosy outlook compared to 33% from a survey taken six months ago. (source) 

Although this article does point out the rice in prices and infation may be the reason for profits soaring.


When things were going well, it was said that the United States enjoyed a Goldilocks Economy. Growth was fast enough to produce jobs and higher incomes but not so fast as to generate inflation. In the same vein, it might be said that today we have an Oscar-the-Grouch Economy. Good news is discounted. Pessimism is trendy. Growth is considered too feeble to help real people. But there is some genuine good news -- and it deserves attention. (source)

Let us know what you think....are things improving?  Are you hiring?  Are you treading lightly with spending or going bananas while you have the cash?