Monday, February 14, 2011

What Makes A Safety Super Hero? You Tell Us...

What do you think makes a safety super hero?  How do you balace motivating your workers for safety with ensuring compliance and a productive workplace?  Share your thoughts with Summit and other safety professionals by leaving a comment on this post.

"I have been a safety professional for over 17+ years. In order to be called a Safety Hero a safety professional shall have the passion and dedication, not just show up to work and collect a check. He or she needs to be out in the forefront looking at the schedule and helping those to manage the risks they may encounter ahead of time. My beliefs are that everyone returns home to the ones they love in the same physical condition they arrived at work in. If a safety professional doesn't view safety as a value he is missing his calling. I challenge and mentor young safety professionals to be in the forefront to help those manage the risk, the industry is in a shift where allot of the baby boomers are in that retirement age, and we need to help our younger men & women succeed."  Kenneth R Majewski, Hoffman Construction

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