Friday, April 29, 2011

Summer Specific Training to Prevent Seasonal Accidents

As June ends and summer is around the corner so is the heat. Understanding how a change in season can affect your safety is key. Heat stress is a common hazard during the summer months. It is important to know your limit and the limit of those around you. Heat stress can lead to heat exhaustion and even worse, the very serious and lethal, heat stroke. It is always nice to be able to work outside during the summer and enjoy the weather but, it is essential to know how to manage in hot temperatures.

You should become adjusted to the heat. As much as one might like to jump into our new projects with two feet forward, working outside rigorously without letting your body temperature become familiar with the heat can cause heat stress. Keep cool drinking water available for yourself, your families, or for your employees; this will help keep everyone hydrated. It is important to understand that sweating is ok. When your body sweats it is cooling itself off. To allow this process to happen stay fully clothed in light breathable materials. This will help keep the sweat from evaporating too quickly without allowing it the chance to cool the body down.

Off the job injuries can come during a variety of inopportune times such as, celebrating the 4th of July. Fireworks and barbeques are good family pastimes, that if done correctly can turn into great family memories. It is critical to recognize the dangers of these activities. Before you fire up the grill make sure you have read the manual and learned the proper technique to light it. This will prevent against an unwanted fire or gas leak. The 4th of July is not complete with the beautiful and extremely dangerous fireworks. Fireworks can reach up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit which is a high enough temperature to melt a piece of gold. Firework users should always have a bucket of water near to put the used fireworks into after they are finished to ensure they are completely put out. They also should never be carried in your pocket because the friction could mistakenly set them off. When the fun is over clean up should be done only by adults.

When the sun is shining enjoying the outdoors is common amongst everyone. Whether you’re biking, hiking, boating, or climbing first aid should be kept close by. A proper first aid kit can help prevent infection and further injury if someone is hurt. 

As the sun shines, sunscreen should become a daily routine. Sunscreen can help prevent against bad burns, blistering, and different types of skin cancer. A sunscreen with at least SPF 15 to 30 should be used daily while enjoying the outdoors.

As July ends and August approaches you decide it’s finally time to repair the roof and get the ladder from the garage. Ladder safety is a growing concern in residential areas and is a hotspot for injury. There are over 90,000 Americans injured every year because of improper ladder use. A couple things to keep in mind while using a ladder are; always use three points of contact, two feet and one hand. Also, it doesn’t matter if you left the nail gun slightly too far to the right, don’t reach. Move the ladder to the exact location and then gather your tools.

Safety is a 24/7 job. It’s not an 8 to 5 shift or something you can just leave at work. It requires commitment and time. It means going the extra step to help avoid incidents and help keep those around you safe.  Enjoy summer and enjoy the heat and remember to use safe work practices!

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