Thursday, June 23, 2011

10 Reasons to “Rock the Pale” and Stay SPF Safe this Summer

Confessions of a SAFE-AHOLIC! By: Stephanie Zizzo, ASHM

I was reading a news release by the EPA this past week called “Don't Fry Day is Friday/ EPA Sun Safety Tips”. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has created a SunWise program to help protect those from harmful UV rays. While I was reading it, I started to get a little worried. I thought to myself... I know I have had bad burns as a kid, I used the tanner a lot as a teen, and if I could get away with it, I would use as much oil as a could. SPF on a lotion bottle always meant to me, “Put this on and you'll be ghostly white”. Learning that skin cancer is the most common of all cancers was quite alarming. As a safety professional, I believe that this information shouldn't just be used for a day at the beach, but as a guide for workers who spend their days on the job outdoors. 

Over the past couple years I have become more aware of UV dangers. When I was younger being pale skinned was never attractive. I always envied the people that could get their skin golden brown, but today there are a number of reasons why staying pasty white is a healthier and safer life choice. I wanted to take the time to share some of this valuable information.

10 Things to Keep in Mind While Outdoors
1. Use Sunscreen with SPF level 30+. Sun Protection Factor number refers to the UV radiation needed to cause sunburn with sunscreen on. Reapply every 2 hours especially after swimming or sweating.
2. Check Your UV Index. When preparing for outdoor activities or an outdoor workday check the UV Index. This will help you determine the best/worst times to be outside and the proper SPF to use that day.
3. Find Shade. During the hours of 10:00AM to 4:00PM try to stay out of direct sunlight, this is when the sun is the strongest.
4. Slip on a Shirt. Use light breathable materials to guard you from the sun this summer, clothing allows your body to sweat and cool you down, whereas direct exposure causing your sweat to evaporate too quickly leaving you more dehydrated.
5. Wear your Sun Spectacles. Use sunglasses or safety glasses with 99%-100% UV absorption to protect your eyes and surrounding area.
6. Don't be Fooled by Clouds. UV rays are still strong even on cloudy days, be sure to protect yourself as if it's a bright and sunny day.
7. Check Your Self. Give yourself monthly skin checks. Search for any abnormal moles or freckles. Contact your dermatologist if you see anything new or suspicious. The survival rate of Melanoma is 98% if detected early.
8. Pale is Pretty. Sun ages your skin, its as simple as that. Avoid wrinkles and dark sunspots. Protect it to keep your skin looking younger longer.
9. Ban the Bed. Stay out of the tanner! Indoor ultraviolet tanner are 74% more likely to develop melanoma that those who have never tanned indoors.
10. Stay Educated! Keep up your awareness. Read about Skin Cancer and inform yourself and your loved ones. Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined cases of breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer.
Remember, ROCK THE PALE, it's natural, it's safe, and it's healthy

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