Monday, June 27, 2011

Educate Yourself This Summer Before You Sit Behind the Wheel

Confessions of a SAFE-AHOLIC! By: Stephanie Zizzo, ASHM

The greatest risk each of us take everyday is getting behind the wheel of our motor vehicles. They are one of the biggest dangers to people everywhere killing thousands!

I was doing a project the other day and I came across some information in the National Safety Council Injury Facts 2010 Edition that really surprised me! If you asked yourself what month might the highest fatality rate for motor vehicles be in right now, what would your answer be? My first thought is... SNOW... the thing that makes all drivers act like they have never been behind a wheel! With that said we can assume I am talking about the months of December, January, and February, sometimes even March if you are a lucky resident of Michigan and the other Midwest states.

But, what is shocking to me is that August has the highest level for fatalities with motor vehicles. In 2008 there were 2,940 deaths in January on the road. In August there were 3,740 deaths. This quite significant, and not something I would have ever considered but, the question is WHY? Why is August the most dangerous time to be driving?

Here are my suggestions!
  • Warm Weather = Road Trips!: Families and friends across the U.S love to spend the weekends away enjoying the weather which increases the amount of vehicles on the road.
  • Road Trips = Fatigue: Watch the hours your spend driving. No one should be pulling all nighters while behind the wheel. Utilize rest stops. The best way to to recover is with a 20 to 30 minute nap!
  • Crowded Traffic = Road Rage: Can't stand the feeling of being in stuck in traffic? We are all familiar with it. Try and stay calm and “make time good” rather than “make good time”!
  • Holidays = Busy Roads: The summer is a great holiday season Grad parties and family reunions, and of course the 4th of July! Make sure while traveling from point A to B you drive defensively just because you drive safely doesn't mean others are!
  • Celebrations = Booze: Alcohol impairment on the road accounts for 31% of deaths by motor vehicles. Watch your neighbors, family, and friends and make sure they don't exceed their limit. In 2006, 4th of July weekend alone killed 629 people, 37% of those deaths involved alcohol impairment.
Remember these tips this Summer on those trips to the lake or the weekend at Grandma and Grandpas! These tips can help keep your awareness up and your risk down!

Prepare all of your employees before they hit the road – whether for work or play – with these effective training programs from Summit!


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