Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let's Try NOT to Lose Our Fingers or Eyebrows this 4th Of July!

Confessions of a SAFE-AHOLIC! By: Stephanie Zizzo, ASHM
Oh the 4th of July... how we love you (sigh and smile)... We love the cookouts and BBQ's, the fun in the neighborhood pool, the fruity drinks being served to cool us down, the hot sun that gives us a nice summer glow, and of course the town firework display! The 4th of July is cherished among many families as quality time spent together and of course is our Nation's celebration of Independence!

Amid the activities and festivities that we spend our time doing on this lovely holiday though exciting and fun can pose significant risk to the health and safety of our friends and family. According to the National Safety Council, within the year of 2006 there were 629 motor vehicle deaths on the weekend of the 4th of July, of those 629, 37% of them were attributed to alcohol impairment. This is about 6% higher than the national average of drunk driving fatal accidents. Take some time this holiday weekend to educate yourself and your family on safe practices for the 4th of July! I have listed a couple below!

  • Lets not Singe our Eyebrows: The HASS/LASS states that there are about 1,400 BBQ accidents each year, a majority of them happening at home. TIP: Never pour petrol or meths on to a barbecue. This is exactly how-to end your day without any eyebrows and not even be able to look surprised after it happens.
  • Another Strawberry Daiquiri Please!: A great way to cool down but watch the intake. If you are going to drink give your keys to the designated driver. Too many drinks and you could become 1 of the 629 motor vehicle deaths this 4th of July. Alcohol can also lesson your inhibitions when working the BBQ (see point #1), lighting fireworks (see point #6), or a number of other holiday activities that deserve your full attention.
  • Getting Ready for Traffic: It is inevitable if you are in transit this holiday weekend, you will hit crowded roads. Remember to keep your cool and drive defensively there are a lot more “uneducated” (to say it nicely) drivers out there than you think.
  • Skip out on the Tan: Spending the day outside celebrating the 4th is definitely time well spent but, be smart. Put on some sunscreen of at least SPF 30. You are not an exception to the 3.5 million skin cancer diagnosis' that happen every year.
  • Make a SPLASH Safely!: Cool down in the pool this holiday with family and friends but, don't hire the pool as your babysitter. Between May 31st and September 6th 2010, 172 children drowned according to the CPSC...and don't let that number fool you...5,000 children are hospitalized from non-fatal drowning incidents each year with 20% suffering a permanent neurological disability (NSC). Watch your kids and make sure they wear proper lifesaving devises when swimming and boating.
  • 10 Fingers are Better than 9 or 8 or 7...: Fireworks are awesome! I will admit this. But as awesome as they are, they are EXTREMELY dangerous. Some Fast Facts:
  • According to the CPSC, there were 8,600 hospital emergencies in 2010 due to fireworks.
  • They can heat up to 2,000 degrees! This is enough to melt some metals.
  • Don't let your kids light them, EVER
  • Keep a bucket of water close by to put them in after they are done.
  • And lastly, make sure you are using them LEGALLY. Nobody wants a fine.

Play it safe and keep your awareness up, after all, a trip to the emergency room is much more of a buzz kill than being proactive. There is no reason why we all can't have an amazing holiday weekend without Uncle Jim singeing his eyebrows off and Aunt Susie having a little too much “liquid courage”...

Have a safe and happy July 4th holiday!

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